Launceston Big Picture School does not keep miscellaneous paracetamol or analgesics on site. 

Headache, fever, earache, toothache are considered symptoms of conditions that require further investigate by the appropriate heath practitioner.

Non-prescribed oral medication (such as analgesics and other over the counter medication) can not be administered by school staff unless written authorisation is received by completing Form A: Administration of Medication (Parent/Guardian) form available from school.

Parents of students with a signed Administration of Medication Form will need to provide their own medication, which is then kept in a secure area in the School Office.

We are committed to ensuring that our information with regard to managing the wellbeing of our students is always accurate and updated. If your son/daughter:

  • has a medical need and would benefit from being supported by a Medical Action Plan (MAP)
  • currently has a Medical Action Plan at school, but has recent health changes and would benefit from their plan being adjusted and updated
  • requires the support of medication during the day at school

We ask that you complete the relevant "Updating Basic Student Medical Information" form from our school office (this will also be sent home at the start of each term)