The following provides a guide to the key elements, tasks and standards for completion of the BPEA Graduation Portfolio for all senior secondary students.  The Graduation Portfolio is a three-year process, beginning in Year 10 and graduating at the end of Year 12.

It also outlines the requirements for students wishing to gain entry to university.  Students taking this pathway do not require an ATAR but need a full portfolio, in some instances tailored to meet the entry requirements of participating universities. 

The Graduation Portfolio Standards Document maps the BPEA Learning Goals against the national Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) and the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).  Students can map their work over time, taking ownership of their growth and development, and advisory teachers and mentors can provide continuous and specific feedback.  Students seeking university entrance need to achieve at ASCF Level 5. 

The noncognitive skills or competencies (NCC’s) also provide a tool for developing and mapping student growth in the vital skills, strategies and mindsets that students need in order to be successful in education and the workplace.

Elements of the Graduation Portfolio

  • A Short Video Introduction - the student briefly shares their Big Picture story
  • A Senior Thesis Project - in-depth, original research into a topic of personal interest
  • Learning through Internships Projects - experiences and products from internships with expert mentors
  • An Autobiography - a literary reflection on the student’s evolution as a learner
  • A series of exhibitions
  • Collaborative Service Learning Project - evidence of the development of community engagement and social reasoning skills
  • A Post-School Project - an exploration of future study and employment pathways and a collection of additional qualifications
  • A series of Learning Plans including reflections, narratives and evidence of wide reading