We genuinely seek your support with this. Students need to be at school five days per week, every week, every term (unless on their LTI program). The only reason students are not attending school would be illness, an off campus work experience/placement or suspension/exclusion due to not meeting the school expectations.  Unless students have important appointments, or a negotiated timetable, everyone should be at school on time. Every single minute at school counts for students as we work to build grand lives for their future. Parents can you please advise the school office if your child is going to be or has been absent for any reason – by contacting the office on 6335 1500 or texting on 0427 016 460 (this is a short message service only, so you will not be able to ring the school on this number). Attendance is taken electronically, and parents are notified by text message if their child is missing from class or late. If you receive a message from the school that you believe to be incorrect can you also please let us know via return message or a phone call to the administration team.