At Launceston Big Picture school we believe that education is everyone’s business. Learning opportunities are everywhere, not just inside classrooms. Research tells us that we learn best when we are personally motivated, and have a passion for what we are doing. Learning through Internships (LTI) is part of the core structure of Launceston Big Picture School. It involves students being placed 1-2 days per week in a work place in an area of their interest. They are placed with a mentor – an expert in that work. Together the student and the mentor develop a project that is of benefit to the workplace and supports student learning at school. Having a mentor gives each student the opportunity within the workplace to learn from an adult with a similar interest. The focus on real work in professional settings gives the student’s learning context and depth. Through genuine relationships, mentors teach a work ethic and model what it means to be an adult member of our community. All students will develop an LTI with the support of their Advisory teacher, mentor and parents. The primary purpose of the LTI is to build knowledge, understanding and skills in the context of authentic work by encouraging the students to follow their passions. By making the learning process real, students are supported to take responsibility for their own learning, encouraging ‘life-long’ learning.